Monday 23 November 2009

sewers, smell, oysters, foie gras, bierre, vin et encore une bierre

Monsieur Henk is here for a short visit. Saturday, Henk was on his own until 4 'o clock - we met near metro Etienne Marcel. Cristina joined us later because we wanted to buy some stuff at the kitchen shops at Rue Montmartre.
Last year we went to the bone collection of Paris (closed now!), and now we went to the sewers on Sunday morning. Musée des Égouts de Paris. Actually, it's quite interesting, there's a huge system under the city. And it smells a little bit underground..... in short: a nice tour. Then straight to the cafe...

more to come later ....

Having a few oysters. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Leuk man. Stichter op bezoek. Ziet er allemaal ook zo lekker uit, dat eten bedoel ik.
    Gr. from Houston.
    Dennis Pello
