Monday, 2 November 2009

stress, stress, stress - my 2 computers broke down!

yes, it's stress,stress, stress ! last week the Apple Powerbook broke down and yesterday the backup computer, the little ASUS eBook, died... and no, we don't have any back-ups of the two computers... (yes I know, how stupid of us.)
The Powerbook needs a new hard-drive (they are working on it) and the eBook probably needs a new motherboard. All will not be ready before I leave for Paris. Bugger!

So, I have moved on again to laptop number 3 - the Toshiba of Jayne. Hope this one keeps working for at least a few weeks. I have installed Skype again, together with the camera software.
At least I can Skype now and keep my adventures at Le Cordon Bleu updated on the blog.

Keep your fingers crossed ! Hope to keep you all posted,
update 5th November: no chance for a repaired computer in the next few days... @#$%@!!! where do I get another computer from that works with wireless/Skype and just internet?