Thursday 3 December 2009

OK, one food update then...........

Yesterday afternoon, right before our dinner, we made something with............

Rabbit!!!  bon appetit !


  1. Sjoerd jongen
    echt pervers - ik ga zo met Marcel "geringfenced" Kornegoor. Zal ik 'm de groeten doen?
    je nogal gedepri vriend

  2. Anthony, yes the lapin is great - and good fun to chop it up! but, the final result wasn't that nice; we stuffed the legs and 'body-part' with mushrooms and prunes and rolled it in caul fat. Then braised the lot in a jus. to be honest, it was a bit of a waist of a nice rabbit. No, the rabbit dish in basic cuisine (see my old blog) is much, much better - lapin in mustard sauce. nice!
