Wednesday 25 November 2009

Ballotine brick - France is 'appy!

This week, we made a ballotine. This is like deboning a whole (oh yeah) chicken, but leave it sort of whole - don't break or cut the skin. Then you stuff the thing with a pork and chicken filling and top it off with a nice roll of fois gras. "Close' the bird, roll it up in plastic, tie it firmly together and cook it in the consommee. To be served the day after making it. It's fantastic to eat this when you're on a diet!
I took a few slices from chef's ballotine home and gave it to my 80+ year old neighbour - she was very very pleased with it - mais c'est tres gentil! yes, I know...

When my brick of fat was ready the next day, I took it home and I contacted my landlady - and oh yes, she wanted the 1.5 kg thing.
This was a pretty rich brick; It tasted nice, but only a few slices, that's more than enough for me... And I'm not really on a diet.... I think!
Seems like the French LOVE these kind of dishes; Lots of fois gras, and they prefer their meat served pink (rose). Too pink, I'd say!

Bye for now,

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